Cask Tracking Made Simple
A Cost effective Cloud-based Beer/Cask Tracking system for Breweries.
Multi-platform Cloud Based Tracking System
Track.beer is a fully multi-platform cloud based system for recording beer packaging and movements for tracebility and record keeping/auditing for HMRC Beer Duty.
Supported hardware includes :-
- Smart phones (Android & iOS)
- Tablets (Android & iOS)
- Laptop Computers (Windows & MacOSX)
- Desktop Computers (Windows & MacOSX)
Flexible Functionality with Add-On Modules
Standard system contains the Cask Tracking module for undertaking full tracking of casks and kegs from the point of cask filling through to delivery to customers and container return.
The Brewing module adds the Brewery Process Management functionality with stock tracking and full tracability from receipt of raw materials, through the full brewing process to final product packaging.
Finally the forthcoming sales module will add CRM (Customer Relation Management) functionality for handling customer comunications, orders processing and invoicing.